As I’m sure most of you already know, I haven’t really been on top of the whole ‘blogging thing’ lately. There is a very good reason for that. You see, often times I will find myself sitting down and typing out an update to post on our blog, but then I get caught up in something else, (whether it be school, cooking, preparing for a concert, working on one of my many writing projects, etc.), and I forget to post it. So, by the time I get back to my blog draft, whatever update I wrote is no longer an update because I waited too long to post it. This time, however, I plan to post this thing as soon as I finish typing it.

The remainder of our schedule for this month is as follows:

23rd- Poquoson, VA • Emmaus Baptist Church ~7:30 pm

24th- Heathsville, VA • Kirkland Grove Tabernacle ~6:00 pm

25th- Suffolk, VA • Wilroy Baptist Church ~6:00 pm

30th- Coats, NC • Coats Community Church ~7:00 pm

31st- Angier, NC • Trinity Baptist Church ~7:00 pm

The month of May isn’t as busy as most of the other months of the year as far as our performances go; so it’s sort of our ‘catch-up’ month. This is the time of year where we get all caught up on ministry work, school, planning for our Uganda mission trip and all of that fun stuff. So, I figured since this is our ‘catch-up’ month, I should get caught up on my blogging. Hopefully, you will be hearing from me more and there won’t be a month-long lapse between blog posts for the remainder of this year. The comment section of our blog is always open; if you have any questions for me I would love to answer them. Maybe you have some ideas for a post you would like me to write or a certain story you would want me to tell about someone in my family; that would be awesome. I love hearing from you, and I also enjoy receiving your ideas and figuring out ways to make the blog better. So if you have any ideas for me, please share them.

Now, I’m going to point you to some different ways you can keep up with news on our family. First of all, for those of who don’t already know, Caleb has a blog, Gabrielle has a blog, and you can follow The Allen Family on Facebook and Twitter. You can also sign up for our email list, so that whenever we are in or around your area, we will send you an email so can make plans to come see us. Information about how to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, as well as sign up on our email list is right here on our website. If you’re interested in looking up Caleb or Gabrielle’s blogs, here is the necessary info for that:

Caleb’s blog=

Gabrielle’s blog=

Okay, I think that’s just about it…oh wait, there was one more thing. Caleb has a kick starter campaign going right now and he’s trying to raise money to record his very own solo album. Those of you who have heard Caleb sing know that he has an incredible voice. He’s also a super talented songwriter and will be recording his best original songs on this album. If you would like to help Caleb out with his campaign, or if you would like some more information on it, go to, then search for Caleb Allen. From there you can watch his Kickstarter promotional video and find out how you can help him raise money for his solo album.

I hope you got all that. It was quite a bit of information, wasn’t it? Now, one more thing. Don’t worry, this really is the last thing. In one of my previous blog posts, (Story Time- Something Fishy About That Shark), I included a trivia question. So, in this blog post I will answer that trivia question for you. So, the question was: which Allen has been ‘left behind’ the most in all of our eighteen years of travel. And the answer is:

(Drumroll please)….Josh

Surprising? I think not. Thanks for reading. Until next time, this is Abby Allen, signing off.


There are 2 comments on AN UPDATED UPDATE

  • So excited to hear about Caleb’s project going forward! Nice work catching up.

    "Maybe you have some ideas for a post you would like me to write or a certain story you would want me to tell about someone in my family"

    Some of the crazi-, er, WONDERFUL times at the Christmas shows would be fun. Just be sure to omit Janet the mannequin, she has frail sensitivities.

  • Allen Ministries on

    Hey CK, thanks for commenting! I like your idea, (except for the part about omitting Janet. She was, after all, the best Christmas show inside joke ever.), and I will be sure to do a couple of posts on that, if I can think of anything interesting enough to write. But then, you were in it, so of course it will be interesting. :)

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