Today was a bit of a challenge for us. Allow me to explain. You see, we had just finished up with a fun, family outing and we were all ready to go check into our hotel, order some pizza and watch an episode of Andy Griffith. As we walked out to the van everything seemed fine; in fact, it seemed better than fine. But as we got in the van, we could tell something was wrong. Things were all misplaced and there were goldfish scattered all over the floor, (not real goldfish, mind you; goldfish from our snack supply). It didn’t take long to realize that not only were things out of place, some things were missing as well. Valuable things. We immediately called the police and took inventory of what all was missing. Final count showed that five laptops belonging to various members of the family, an iPod and iPad, two purses, (including money and drivers licenses), Jared’s backpack and all of our ministry records were missing. Usually we wouldn’t leave those items in a van if we’re going to be away from said van for an extended period of time, but we weren’t really thinking about it, you know? We figured, we’re only going to be gone a couple of hours; the van’s locked so what’s the harm of leaving this stuff in here? Apparently we aren’t very good at predicting the future. Anyway, while waiting for the police, we still managed to make light of our situation. Josh made a complaint about them taking his pajamas which were safely, (yeah right), tucked into his computer case; however, he didn’t say anything about losing the computer. I’m still wondering why he put his pajamas in his computer case… But Jared lost his computer and his backpack, yet he was miffed most about them taking his USB cuff links, (which were really cool, by the way).
Anyway, the police came and went after getting all the information we had to give, and we all got back in the van. After praying about the situation we headed on to the hotel and, pulling up to the front to check in, Jared made a comment about, “At least we don’t have as much to carry in this time”. I think we’re the only people I know who can take a situation like that and find humor in it.
The end of the day hasn’t quite turned out like we planned, but I think now I have a better understanding of how faith in the worst times works. In hindsight, I’m not mad or even upset ; maybe a little disappointed that all of my story projects and important files got lost along with my computer, but when the day is done, we’ve still got each other, and God’s looking out for us; and that’s really all that matters in the end. Nobody was hurt -although some of us may have been a little shook up- and on top of all of us being okay and together, we learned an important lesson. Two actually. One would be, never leave any valuables in your car for an extended period of time under any circumstances whatsoever; Second, God has a plan, and even when you can’t see it, you’ve got to trust Him.
We don’t always understand what He’s doing, but then, He never said we would. When trusting God is hard, that’s when it really counts. When storms and trials come your way, that’s when your faith comes into practice. Unlike the rest of the world, Christians have the promise of something better; the promise that no matter what, He will never leave us nor forsake us. We can hold onto that promise through the worst of times, and our faith will be a testimony to rest of the world of where we stand in Christ. Even if we never get any of our possessions back, God will provide and take care of us.
I harbor no ill-will toward the people who took those things from us. I have long since forgiven them, and can only hope that they will discover the truth in the Bibles that were in Jared’s backpack as well as Gabrielle’s purse. My prayer is that God will get a hold of their hearts and reveal unto them the saving power of His awesome love. Please continue to keep us -and them- in your prayers. God bless y’all!



There are 8 comments on WHEN TRUSTING IS HARD

  • My husband and I and two friends that we brought LOVED the entire family ministry. It was the first time we’d seen The Allen Family. We only wish we’d got to see the older son who was not there. Your ministry is amazing and not boring in the least. Love the way you kept changing singers off and on. Loved every song; each song was a blessing, including the sign language – WOW!!! What a great overseas ministry as well. We are so sorry for the "robbery" that took place at the zoo. We pray for conviction of the ones who took those things that do not belong to them. We hope we get to see you all perform again soon. You all did an amazing job, despite the van break-in. We pray that the robbers are caught and all things returned unharmed.

  • Loved your music last Sunday night. I came alone, but left with you all as my new friends. My prayers are with you. Sorry I could not have given more than I did, however God will provide as you said.


  • Allen Ministries on

    Thank you so much sir. It was great having you there Sunday night, I’m so glad I had the opportunity to meet you and hope our paths cross again sometime in the future. Thanks again and God bless! ~AbbyJoy :)

  • Marvelous article and inspirational perspective. Don’t stop writing and believing. Love you lots!

  • Allen Ministries on

    Thanks Caleb! I love you more!
    ~Abby :)

  • Hey!
    I am soooo sorry that happened, I prayed for you,girl! When those things happen, all we can do is trust in God! I am sorry I didn’t comment earlier. I tried but it never let me! I loveyou and miss you!! Your blog is wonderful! You are doing a great job, keep it up!

  • Hey!
    I am soooo sorry that happened, I prayed for you,girl! When those things happen, all we can do is trust in God! I am sorry I didn’t comment earlier. I tried but it never let me! I loveyou and miss you!! Your blog is wonderful! You are doing a great job, keep it up!

  • Allen Ministries on

    Now how do you always know exactly what to say to brighten up my day? ;) I love you back. You and your family keep up the good work for The Lord. Praying for y’all!

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